King of synths

Currently listening to how Rhys Fulber (Frontline Assembly, Delerium, Synesthesia, Noise Unit) mixes synths. Aside from the fact he is a very talented musician, his synths have so much texture and life while also being under total control in the mix. I strive to be able to do this. As my ears get more experienced I’m starting to notice things I never noticed before. I’m starting to understand how he gets his synths that way. Automation of basically everything and not just volume and panning are essential to this sound. David has said this over and over. There’s just no way to do it without getting in there and making micro-adjustments. I’m also hearing “tricks” like having a sound cut through more or be bigger the first time it plays then backing it off. Somehow your brain fills in the stuff that was there. I thought maybe I was mis-hearing things until I watched a video this morning on the YouTube channel about getting bass to cut through on small speakers. David talked about this same exact thing with snare drums and such. These little “tricks” or psychoacoustic phenomena are a large part of the mix. It’s blowing my mind and I’m going back and listening to old albums to try and hear this stuff. Next up is the album “Burn My Eyes” by Machine Head. I’ve always loved the sound of this album. I think I will take a break from mixing today. I did a lot yesterday and I don’t want my brain to develop any biases. Today is a good day for education and enrichment. 
